Diverse   23/12/13

Julehilsen fra Young Driver AMR
Team Young Driver AMR ønsker at takke alle deres tilhængere, partnere og sponsorer her ved afslutningen af en særdeles vanskelig sæson for deres store indsatser og deres fantastiske support

Merry Christmas from Young Driver AMR

Young Driver AMR would like to thank all fans, partners and sponsors at the end of a very difficult year for their great efforts and their tremendous support.

A very special thank you to all those who have supported the Allan Simonsen Memorial Fund and who have been involved with numerous activities all around the world for this fund.

This Christmas we will be in our thoughts with the family of Allan Simonsen, with Carina and with Mie Mai. I deeply wish that all our good memories of Allan will be carried over to his family, Carina and Mie May and will give them the strength to celebrate Christmas.

I wish you all peaceful and happy holidays and a prosperous 2014.

Jan Struve
Young Driver AMR

Læs mere om:
  • Allan Simonsen
  • Young Driver AMR


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